
Category: Emerging Markets

Foreign Language Final Exam

(Note: as I struggle with learning a foreign language, I wrote this little piece. It’s supposed to be humorous – or is it?) This semester we have learned how to ask for directions to the library, analyzed passages by the greatest of the foreign language’s authors,and parsed details about the proper uses of the subjunctive… [Read More]

México: Adventures of a language learner

My Spanish skills are not bad. I studied for a while before arriving in México, and I continue to work with a grammar workbook, read books in Spanish, watch Spanish-language television shows, and practice in daily life. I walk along the shore of Spanish, taking it in, but occasionally taking a step and finding myself… [Read More]

South Africa: Ivory from Paradise

I’m finally at the end of the African book project. It took a lot longer than I thought it would. The last country on the list is also the wealthiest in Africa, the Republic of South Africa. I read Ivory From Paradise, by David Schmahmann. It’s the story of a white family that scatters from… [Read More]

Swaziland: Without the King

Swaziland is the only absolute monarchy left in the world, and that status does not seem to be serving its subjects well. Mswati III has been king since 1986. GDP per capita is $9,800, and Swaziland has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS in the world. There are allegations that the nation’s wealth, which is also… [Read More]

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Hedge funds for Dummies Cover

Hedge Funds for Dummies, 2e
My first book has been completely revised! Updated to reflect changing markets, accessible strategies through ETFs, and new potential due diligence pitfalls.



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Cover of Day Trading for Dummies

Day Trading for Dummies, 5e
With five revisions, countless interviews with successful traders, and lots of research, this is the definitive guide to getting started, managing risk, and staying in the game.