I am a huge fan of the Megahertz Network, which offers international television programs. I can get it on a local public television station’s digital channel (WYCC channel 20.3, all you Chicagoans). Other public television stations and Dish Network offer it, and you can find it on your Roku box. Some of the programming is… [Read More]
Cato’s Problems and Nonprofit Structure
The Washingtonian Magazine has a long story about management tensions at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank. The most interesting part, to me, was this tidbit: the Cato Institute has shareholders because Kansas corporation law allows non-profits to have a corporate ownership structure. That’s really unusual. A typical non-profit organization is “owned” by its donors… [Read More]
Paying for College: Declining Family Incomes
The Federal Reserve Bank released its study on changes in US family finance from 2007 to 2010, and the results are not pretty. The headline is that median net worth fell 38.8 percent over this period. One reason that college seems so unaffordable these days is that, well, it is. A middle-class family has fewer… [Read More]
A New E-Book for Traders
I am one of many contributors to a new e-book, Trading Strategies of Top Market Professionals. It has information for traders with a little bit of experience who wants to know a lot more about different strategies and markets. The download is $29.00. If you find my site looking for advanced strategies, you might want… [Read More]
Paying for College: The Community College Conundrum
One bit of advice that I often hear about reducing college costs is to do the first two years at community college, then transfer. I have real trepidations about this advice, though. It can work for some people, but are you among them? The first problem is that not all community colleges are the same…. [Read More]