What I’m up to these days

Like many others right now, I am in the job market and available for freelance work. Here’s what I’m looking for:

1) Work with a foundation, think tank, or university research center that would use my communications, economics, and business skills. There aren’t many of these jobs, but they do exist and would fit my weird mix of skills.

2) Marketing with a fintech startup. I really enjoyed working at Bento for Business. Start-up needs change all the time, and I have the flexibility to match. I was hired to write for the web site and ended up taking over social media, a customer newsletter, trade show booths, and competitive research.

3) Freelance writing and consulting work in business and finance. My main reason for giving up freelancing was that I was getting lonely working at home, but even people working for huge conglomerates are dealing with that now.

What I am doing with myself these days:

1) Keeping this blog updated.

2) Reading lots of good books. A recent favorite is The Way We Live Now, by Anthony Trollope – really fun and nothing like the way we live now.

3) Working at the Ravenswood Community Services food pantry on Tuesday nights.

What I can do for you:

1) Help you look for a job. I’m not the only one here. If you are in the market, let me know what’s you’re looking for. I can pass on leads I come across, write a LInkedIn recommendation, or generally commiserate.

2) Help a non-profit organization with writing or strategic planning, pro bono, if one that you work for or volunteer with is in need of assistance.

3) Take brown paper grocery bags with handles off your hands, if you are in the Chicago area. We really need them for the food pantry. On a typical Tuesday, we have 200 patrons who each receive two double-baggegd bags of food. That’s 800 grocery bags! Let me know and I can do a no-contact porch pickup.


A white woman with green glasses and gray hairAnn C. Logue

I teach and write about finance. I’m the author of four books in Wiley’s …For Dummies series, a fintech content expert, and an avid traveler. Among other things.

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