
Tag: television

Recapping Velvet: Season 1, Episode 7, “Paris”

Warning: there are plenty of spoilers about the Spanish drama Velvet ahead. Fashion Insight: You can never go wrong with Chanel Ross and Rachel of the Week: Clara and Mateo Spanish Culture Clue: An out-of-wedlock child isn’t nearly as scandalous as one would expect it might in the Catholic Spain of the Franco era. I suspect… [Read More]

Recapping Velvet: Season 1, Episode 6, “Between Two Women”

Warning: there are plenty of spoilers about the Spanish drama Velvet ahead. Fashion Insight: Good alterations make all the difference. Ross and Rachel of the Week: Clara and Pedro Spanish Culture Clue: Birthdays are celebrated with parties and presents. Language Point: “No te preocupes” rolls off the tongue, even when Ana is talking to people with whom… [Read More]

Recapping Velvet: Season 1, Episode 5, “The Designer”

Warning: there are plenty of spoilers about the Spanish drama Velvet ahead. Ross and Rachel of the Week: Clara and Pedro Spanish Culture Clue: 9:30 for dinner? Who does that? Language Point: The Spanish word for “first aid kit” is “botiquín de primeros auxilios”, shortened to “botiquín”. Gloria gives Don Emelio an envelope of cash, which he… [Read More]

Recapping Velvet: Season 1, Episode 4, “Nothing Is That Easy”

Warning: there are plenty of spoilers about the Spanish drama Velvet ahead. Fashion Insight: Wedding dresses are the ultimate design and dressmaking challenge Ross and Rachel of the Week: Clara and Pedro Spanish Culture Clue: The wedding preparations seem very similar to wedding preparations in the US. Language Point: Devastatingly Handsome Maximiliano has tortilla española for dinner. When… [Read More]

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