
Tag: Chicago on the Cheap

Money Smart Week: Earth Day and saving money

Today is Earth Day. That’s an important day for cheapskates, because saving money is almost always good for the environment – and vice-versa. It’s easy to forget that, in a world of overpriced food, toiletries, and cleaning products passing themselves off as better for the environment. Whole Paycheck, I’m looking at you. If you eat… [Read More]

Money Smart Week starts tomorrow

Tomorrow is the official start of Money Smart Week, a program started by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in 2002. This year, it runs from April 20 to 27 and includes events throughout the Chicago area at libraries, schools, and businesses. The goal is to teach people how to manage their money. We here… [Read More]

Thoughts on The Tightwad Gazette, all these years later

I’ve been re-reading The Complete Tightwad Gazette, looking for inspiration for Chicago on the Cheap. It’s a compilation of newsletters on thrifty living that Amy Dacyczyn started in 1990. She and her husband wanted to raise a large family (six children) on a small farm in Maine, without sending the kids to day care. They… [Read More]

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Hedge funds for Dummies Cover

Hedge Funds for Dummies, 2e
My first book has been completely revised! Updated to reflect changing markets, accessible strategies through ETFs, and new potential due diligence pitfalls.



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Cover of Day Trading for Dummies

Day Trading for Dummies, 5e
With five revisions, countless interviews with successful traders, and lots of research, this is the definitive guide to getting started, managing risk, and staying in the game.