Getting started

Ann LogueI’m Annie Logue, and this is my blog. Obvious, yes?

This is a blog about money and culture, to give you ideas for how to spend better, recommendations for good books, and things to consider about capitalism.

Here are answers to some questions you may have:

What should I read here?
Depending on your interest:

What do you do all day? I teach finance part time at University of Illinois at Chicago; do writing and editing, mostly on financial topics; and hang out with family and friends. I’m interested in a lot of non-profit issues, as a volunteer and as a professional.

Don’t you write about college issues? Yes, indeed. It’s a combination of what I see at UIC, my interest in non-profit management, writing about endowment and governance issues on campus, and how the issue of paying for college looms in family life. It’s a complex issue. But as a hint, I think a lot of colleges will be closing or merging soon, as the tuition bubble is not sustainable.

What about Chicago on the Cheap? Don’t you do that? Not anymore. Chicago on the Cheap has a new editor, It became too much work for me along with everything else. I am very interested in frugal living, though. For some, it’s a financial necessity, and for all, it’s a great skill to have. We need to be mindful of how we spend our time and our money. And, the secret to getting ahead financially is to spend less money than you make and get a return that beats inflation. That’s really all there is to it.

Weren’t you sued for libel? Yes, in a groundless case, and I countersued for legal fees and won. Don’t be fooled; sorority girls and Junior Leaguers are tough.

Where can I buy your books? Dummies books are carried at just about all bookstores, physical and online. If you’re being frugal, check your local library. Libraries are big supporters of the Dummies series, and their copies are legal. Please don’t get a pirated download; it doesn’t help me, despite what the file sharing crowd may think.

Is it Ann or Annie? Legally, it’s Ann, the Irish spelling with no e. Colloquially, Annie. Different people know me under each. I don’t really care which you use as long as you are being nice, but checks should be written to Ann.

What else? Ask questions in the comments, by email, or via twitter! Email (ann @ is the best way to reach me.

Thanks for reading!

A white woman with green glasses and gray hairAnn C. Logue

I teach and write about finance. I’m the author of four books in Wiley’s …For Dummies series, a fintech content expert, and an avid traveler. Among other things.

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