The single biggest purchase most families will make is their house. There’s a lot of mythology about the economic benefits of homeownership, and I’d like to break through that so that you can make the best decision for you and your family. To start off, my parents paid about $5,000 54 years ago for a… [Read More]
Category: Financial Advice
FAQ: What is Bitcoin, anyway?
Yesterday, I received an email from a friend with a plaintive questions: what is Bitcoin? She is hearing about it and is intrigued! Bitcoin makes an appearance in Day Trading For Dummies, I’ve done work on it for some clients, and I even have blog posts on it. The fact that all of a sudden… [Read More]
A few interesting quizzes about money
While doing some miscellaneous web surfing, I came across the following interesting quizzes about money. You might find them interesting: Your risk of going into poverty. This is simple, yet depressing, based on risk factors for American families. Could you survive in a different social class? This is a questionnaire about different traits and skills needed… [Read More]
Getting Started in Investing
Rencently, someone asked me for thoughts about getting started in investing. That’s such a huge topic! So big! But, hey, I’m going to try. You may have been thinking about investing and need a place to start. After all, it can get you a better return than a savings account, which helps you reach your… [Read More]
You need walk-away money
A key component of a financial plan is an emergency fund, and that emergency may well be that you can’t take what you are doing anymore. You need walk-away money. At a basic level, this is enough money to cover three or four months worth of expenses if something huge and unexpected came up or… [Read More]