Wouldn’t it be great if you could just invent money? Whenever you were a little short of cash or wanted to make an extravagant purchase, you could solve a math problem and poof! The cash would show up. That’s how cryptocurrency started. It’s digital currency not backed by a hard asset or a government, literally… [Read More]
Category: Day Trading
Interesting Day Trading Service Reviews
Day trading is popular right now, and a lot of day traders come to my site and are disappointed to see recipes for pumpkin stuffed shells and reviews of books about different countries. Both are related to what I do. Healthy, festive vegan entrees save money! Learning about other countries and cultures can help you… [Read More]
Day Trading May Be for Dummies, But That Doesn’t Make It Right for You
The leading criticism of Day Trading for Dummies is that I discourage people from day trading. That’s intentional. Day trading is not for everyone. There are people who day trade successfully, who enjoy it and make money at it. They are few and far between, however. Most people who take up day trading lose many…. [Read More]
The fourth edition of Day Trading for Dummies is here
The fourth US edition of Day Trading For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance))is here, joining one edition each in Canada and Germany. It’s scary how popular Day Trading for Dummies is, to be honest, because most people should not day trade. If you do, you can dramatically increase your chances of success by… [Read More]
FAQ: Should I take up day trading?
A lot of people buy Day Trading For Dummies and ask themselves, “Should I take up day trading?” In most cases, the answer is no. Day trading is not a steady investment program. It is an activity that makes money for some people and loses ridiculous amounts for others. That’s all there is to it. Day trading… [Read More]