I just got word that Rich Tennant, who draws all the cartoons in the Dummies books, is leaving, and new Dummies books will no longer have his cartoons. Well, I’m sad, because I liked what he did in mine. If you like his stuff, too, you can go to his website to license them or… [Read More]
Listen to me on the Rewiring Your Brain radio show
On Monday, I appeared on the Rewiring Your Brain radio show with Dr. Robert Rose, and we talked about investing and how people should think about the markets. It was a great conversation, and it is in his archives if you’d like to hear it.
Paying For College: Manage Your Loans With Tuition.io
I’m a spreadsheet jockey, so I’ve always managed my finances with Excel. But I’m not typical. There’s an interesting new, free service called Tuition.io that helps student borrowers manage their debt. Graduates may end up with several different types of federal, private, and parent loans that have different terms and repayment schedules, and that’s hard to… [Read More]
I’ll be on the Wealth DNA Radio Show today
If you are so inclined, you can listen to me on the Wealth DNA radio show today. It will be live at 9:00 am Arizona time and archived so that you can listen to it later. Find it at http://tiny.cc/Feb11Show, and enjoy!
Thoughts on The Tightwad Gazette, all these years later
I’ve been re-reading The Complete Tightwad Gazette, looking for inspiration for Chicago on the Cheap. It’s a compilation of newsletters on thrifty living that Amy Dacyczyn started in 1990. She and her husband wanted to raise a large family (six children) on a small farm in Maine, without sending the kids to day care. They… [Read More]