As part of the blogathon, I’ve been reviewing some old posts and realize that I often write something like, “Is this good? Is this bad? I don’t know.” That’s because life is so darn strange that we often don’t know if something is good or bad until it has had a chance to play out,… [Read More]
Advertising, media, church, state
Journalism has long been a profession with strict ethics, one of the best known being the wall between editorial and advertising. I’ve had editors tell me outright that they could not use me because I’ve done a lot of corporate work, and I understand that. I’ve long thought that the effect of the Internet was… [Read More]
The problem with social media . . .
. . . is simple – there’s too darn much of it. In the olden days, you could either send letters or show up in person. Then the telephone was invented, and you could send letters, show up, or call. Eventually, it became rude to drop in on someone, and then everyone got email. So… [Read More]
Kicking off the 2013 WordCount Blogathon
Yes, it’s that time of year again – time for the WordCount Blogathon. Each year, bloggers commit to posting every day for a month. Now, June is a killer month (but aren’t they all?), but I’m going to see what happens. Last year, it really got me into the habit of using this blog and… [Read More]
Day Trading for Dummies revision in the works
I’m starting work on a third edition of Day Trading For Dummies, to be released in 2014. I know it will need a lot of information about high-frequency trading, algorithmic trading, and dark liquidity. What else? What do you want to see in the next edition? What absolutely needs to be covered? Let me know!