I cheated – it’s from eBay. All my travels are in the midwest these days.
Paying for college: Should you go Greek?
Fraternities and sororities are expensive, but they are also a key part of life on many college campuses. Are they worth it? I was in a sorority. In hindsight, I’m not sure it was worth the money, but I am still friends with many of my sisters. If I bought my friends, I bought good… [Read More]
The SNAP Challenge isn’t that hard
Last week, food banks and other organizations asked people to take the SNAP Challenge, in which they attempt to live on the same budget as people on food stamps. I was going to do it and write the results for Chicago on the Cheap, but I ran into a problem right off the bad: the… [Read More]
Sudan: The Other Nile
Sudan is the country of the week in my African exploration project. I found a book called “The Other Nile” by Charlie Pye-Smith on our bookshelf; it was published in 1986 and is firmly in the World Traveller genre. Those tales of Western youth who go backpacking around the world and write about their experiences… [Read More]
Paying for college: Planning if you don’t plan on getting aid
The handy FinAid calculator may show that your family will get little or no financial aid for the college of your kid’s dreams. It happens, and many families are surprised when it does. They may not think of themselves as rich, or maybe life got in the way of saving money. Furthermore, colleges expect that… [Read More]