With the World Cup going on hot and heavy, here are a few thoughts on why I hate soccer: There is way too much cheating, which offends American sensibilities. No one wants to fail and no one wants to cheat, but when failure is inevitable, different cultures have different responses. Americans tend to accept failure… [Read More]
Paying for college: Cash flow
A friend recently asked me for advice on how to pay for graduate school. I realized during our conversation that a lot of people don’t understand the mechanics of the payment – hence, this post. Payment is different from financing, but it is a related subject. Financing is where the money comes from. Payment is… [Read More]
Intellectual property, network effects, and Tesla
I am a snob about intellectual property, because this is how I make my living. I believe in supporting writers, musicians, and artists, and that means paying for their work. Most of the pictures I use in blog posts were taken by me, because then there are no copyright issues. I’ve heard the argument that… [Read More]
I would be incomplete without writing
The Blogathon is a great reminder – I love writing. I think best with a notebook and pen. I write for work, I write for fun. I’ve been losing my mind trying to use an iPad, and I realized that it’s because it’s not designed for writing. I’ve had to fight hard for my right… [Read More]