This is an amazing book. Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China is about one family’s experience in China before and during the Communist era. The author’s parents were high up in the Communist Party at the time of the Communist Revolution, and then they suffered mightily during the Cultural Revolution. The author, Jung Chang, has… [Read More]
Illinois is flat. Women face discrimination in STEM. Dog bites man.
Today is the day for obvious news stories. For example, did you know that Illinois is the second-flattest state in the mainland? And given that Alaska and Hawaii both have mountains and we only have the suburb of Mt. Prospect, I’ll bet we’re second flattest out of 50! You know why many people in the… [Read More]
Why I love soccer
The second part to yesterday’s post. I’m not all negative – and here are some reasons I love soccer: It’s a cheap, safe sport for kids. Despite what you may think when you see the fits of pain that send professionals to the ground for minutes at a time, there are few serious injuries in… [Read More]