Are you looking for alternatives to the big banks? How about a credit union. You’re more than an account number or a credit rating when you go for a loan. You’re the shareholder, so no one is trying to make a profit on your back. Credit unions are nonprofit cooperative organizations structured like banks. The… [Read More]
Blogathon day 25: I got nothing
So check out what some of the other fun bloggers have to say: Babette Feasts David Geer He Eats What I Make Leslie Lang
The amazing Grid-It organizer
This is just the most amazing thing ever – the Grid-It cord organizer, sold by ThinkGeek. It’s so simple – woven elastic bands that you can slide all sorts of miscellaneous items under. And it has made my bag so much more organized! I don’t get paid to promote this, I just love it and… [Read More]
Wild Swans and nations in transition
This is an amazing book. Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China is about one family’s experience in China before and during the Communist era. The author’s parents were high up in the Communist Party at the time of the Communist Revolution, and then they suffered mightily during the Cultural Revolution. The author, Jung Chang, has… [Read More]