There are about 50 million corporate governance issues in the news right now. It’s too much for one blog post! So there will be three. First, the Hobby Lobby decision and corporate structure. Second, the quasi-public nature of professional sports. And third, what investors should consider about socially responsible investing. First: Hobby Lobby and corporate… [Read More]
Blogathon 2014 is over!
And good thing, too, as I am out of ideas. But, I managed to post every day, despite a vacation, a hard-drive crash, and three big project deadlines. Whew! And now, back to your irregularly scheduled series of posts.
Blogging, #FoundAPenny
Last night, I attended an event for bloggers at the Lill Street Art Center here in Chicago. The speakers maintain What’s the T, The Hooded Utilitarian, and Letters from Elba. They talked about why they blog and emphasized that the writing comes first – that this is a way to get the writing out there…. [Read More]