Most institutions of higher education have been hurt three ways by the financial crisis: endowment returns are down; donors have less money to give; and families need more financial assistance to cover tuition. Just about every college and university has been affected. But one college has had the misfortune of having financial fraud and poor… [Read More]
Corporations, government, Hobby Lobby, and socially responsible investing, part 3
This is Part 3 in a series. Part 1 looked at corporate structure and Part 2 looked at problems with sports teams. Part 3 is about how all this affects investors, especially those who are trying to be socially responsible. Now, social investing is a really broad topic. It is investing in a way that reflects… [Read More]
Corporations, government, Hobby Lobby, and socially responsible investing, part 2
Part 1 of this series looked at Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and the issue of corporate personhood. This is Part 2, looking at the poor sports of the corporate world: professional sports teams and leagues. So far this year, we’ve seen an Olympic ghost town created at Sochi, Russia; the NBA order Donald Sterling to… [Read More]