I’m passing on this handy calendar of religious holidays, prepared by the University of Illinois at Chicago, which has astonishing diversity. What I like is the breakout of which holidays come with restrictions from work and which do not, which limits the number of excuses students can use. One of the amazing things about the… [Read More]
Ace Greenberg, and why corporate cost-cutting is usually a disaster
Alan Greenberg, often known as Ace, died recently. He had been the chairman of Bear, Stearns and was known for his dictates to his employees. One of the most famous was the Ace Greenberg Paper Clip memo, in which he ruled that paper clips should not be thrown away. Each employee received one box of… [Read More]
“You don’t do this to get rich”
Every now and again, usually about writing, someone says, “you don’t do this to get rich”. I want to strangle anyone who says that. It’s insulting. There are many endeavors where one will not get rich, but that doesn’t mean someone should net receive adequate compensation for his or her time and expertise. It also… [Read More]
Taxes and where to live
I’ve said it before: if rich people really hate taxes so much, why are they all living in Kenilworth and Lake Forest? The University of Illlinois at Urbana-Champaign recently released data on the destinations of their engineering and computer science graduates. Of those graduating in 2012-2013, 34.5% moved to the Chicago area, 14.4% moved to… [Read More]