I’m not entirely sure where this summer went, nor what happened to the momentum from the Blogathon. But here’s a pretty picture of the Chicago skyline!
Strategic planning, frugal living, and early retirement
I think a lot about what to do with this blog, just as I think a lot about what to do with work in general. There are fewer good opportunities for writers these days, and sometimes, it seems like there is nothing new to say. So what do I do? Like so many writers, I’m… [Read More]
Payday loan are terrible, horrible, and no good
One of the big problems with personal finance is that there are a lot of people out there who are making money off of those who can least afford it. As the bankers like to say, those who do not understand compound interest are doomed to pay it. Among the worst offenders are payday lenders. John Oliver has… [Read More]
Holidays Galore, 2014-2015 edition
I’m passing on this handy calendar of religious holidays, prepared by the University of Illinois at Chicago, which has astonishing diversity. What I like is the breakout of which holidays come with restrictions from work and which do not, which limits the number of excuses students can use. One of the amazing things about the… [Read More]