I’m in New Orleans for the New Orleans Entrepreneur Week conference, looking for story ideas and sources. I’m not on a specific assignment, and at first, I was a little daunted by that – how do I make sure that I get enough out of this conference to make the cost worth my while? Then,… [Read More]
Holding Cash for Deflation Protection
Although there has been a lot of focus on inflation in the post-crisis era, the U.S. has had minimal inflation and, quite possibly, deflation, exacerbated by political and economic policies put in place to fight inflation in a deflationary environment. If the European economy falls deeper into crisis, then real deflation – not the borderline… [Read More]
Paying for College: For-Profit College Conundrums
The idea behind for-profit colleges is that they would deliver value to students through practical, career-focuses courses, scheduled at convenient times. They don’t have bells and whistles like student lounges, athletic facilities, or art museums. They also don’t support research faculty, nor do they offer the types of seminar classes that are so easy to… [Read More]
The Republic of the Congo: Not the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The first thing you need to know is that the Republic of the Congo is not its larger neighbor, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It seems obvious, but the similarities of the names makes it hard to do research. I thought I had found a book about the Republic of the Congo, but it… [Read More]