A while back, I interviewed a man who has degrees in both physics and economics, who taught economics for years and years, and who has great accomplishments in econometrics, the most quantitative branch of the field. Anyway, among other things, he mentioned a book that had been given to him in high school that he… [Read More]
See me talk about the City of Chicago’s finances
The City of Chicago’s finances are complicated, aren’t they? The city has pensions to pay, infrastructure to build, and children to educate. We all want stuff for free, which is a problem in collecting taxes. Back in 2015, I appeared on WYCC’s public affairs show, In The Loop. WYCC is no more, sold to help… [Read More]
A brief summary of the Greeks for vacationers
Options traders look at Greeks one way. Vacationers look at them another way. Here’s what you need to know about the Greeks for vacationers this year: They are having trouble getting their economy going, especially to the satisfaction of European Union officials. Meanwhile, the Bank of England has been forced to confirm that it has… [Read More]
A brief summary of the Greeks for options
I’m working on a book about options trading while also doing the blogathon, possibly because I am insane, but the good news is that there is overlap. Today, it’s a summary of the Greeks for options. Options traders use Greek letters to explain different concepts because Greek letters are used to represent variables in mathematics…. [Read More]
Guest Post: How Well Are You Managing Your Biggest Asset?
Your biggest asset is your career. This is a guest post written by Holly Gillian Kindel, a senior financial advisor at Mosaic Financial Partners. The company is a financial planning firm that has developed a free financial fitness challenge to help people figure out their financial life. When you think of assets, your first… [Read More]