
Today is the last day of the blogathon

And the last day of Chase’s free coin-counting service. And so, I am going to take my giant bag of coins to Chase rather than write an inspiring post. It counts. That’s the downside of the blogathon – a lot of the posts are light on content. The upside is getting back in the groove… [Read More]

An ongoing appreciation for Barbarians at the Gate

I like to show the movie Barbarians at the Gate in finance class because it is such a strong illustration of corporation finance: decisions about introducing a new product (the ill-fated Premier cigarette) and reinvesting in the bakery business; dealing with sunk costs (Premier); valuing cash flows; agency problems with management and shareholders; decisions about capital structure; and what happens… [Read More]

Defending the Penny

John Green is a great guy. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting him, and he is really smart and really clever. His books are wonderful, and he deserves all of the success that he has had. But John Green and I disagree on one thing: the penny. John Green hates pennies. I love them. Follow… [Read More]

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Hedge funds for Dummies Cover

Hedge Funds for Dummies, 2e
My first book has been completely revised! Updated to reflect changing markets, accessible strategies through ETFs, and new potential due diligence pitfalls.



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Cover of Day Trading for Dummies

Day Trading for Dummies, 5e
With five revisions, countless interviews with successful traders, and lots of research, this is the definitive guide to getting started, managing risk, and staying in the game.