Last week, I appeared on the Benzinga pre-market show. It’s a service for day traders that gives them some thoughts and information for the day. I talked, naturally, about Day Trading For Dummies as well as the euro, retail stocks, and my upcoming options trading book.
Tracking your expenses is a simple way to figure out your finances

Tracking your expenses is the easiest way to get started on a financial plan. Try keeping track of all your income and all your outgo for a month. Get a small notebook and start writing down all of your expenditures, no matter how large or how small. Write down all of your income, too, including… [Read More]
Should you give your kid an allowance?

Learning to manage money is a fundamental skill for navigating the world. It is as basic as learning to read and learning to cook, and yet, it comes with a lot of baggage. An allowance is one way to learn. Yes, I wrote about high finance in Hedge Funds For Dummies. I’m writing a book about options… [Read More]
Thoughts on Your Money or Your Life
Years ago, I was on a business trip and killing time at a bookstore before a client meeting. I saw Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Ind ependence: Revised and Updated for the 21st Century by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez on the shelf, and… [Read More]