When I was younger, I used to think that process was a waste of time. Only results mattered. I would get annoyed at people who emphasized procedure, but now I realize that they were right. Life is the process of figuring out Plan B. One of the reasons is that the world is weird and… [Read More]
Managing cash flows for freelancers
Recently, I’ve seen several discussions on social media about managing cash flows for freelancers. Here’s what I know: Managing your cash flow is key to success in the long run. Cash flow is different from income – and ultimately more important. Cash flow is tricky to calculate and forecast, as any first-year accounting student or associate analyst… [Read More]
A rant about raising kids, making choices, and Sarah Palin
I don’t write very much about my family. I don’t write about parenting. I don’t spend time fighting the Mommy Wars. But today, I’m mad, and so here’s my rant about raising kids, making choices, and Sarah Palin. First: raising kids. We like to believe that we know what we’re doing and that what we’re… [Read More]
Learning to cook is a frugal investment
I like to cook, but I hate cooking dinner every night. Some days, I am simply too brain dead to think up a delicious and nutritious meal that the whole family will love, to pull from every woman’s magazine ever. Learning to cook is a frugal investment, and everyone should do it. And we need… [Read More]