I graduated from college with student loans and credit card debt. I majored in economics in part because I knew I could get a job that would pay enough to help me with my debt. Had I been free to do what I whatever I wanted, I probably would have been an English major. I… [Read More]
What Happened at Facebook, Anyway?
The Facebook IPO had problems, but they are not especially unique. The problem, really, is that it has been so long that we’ve had a lot of IPOs that everyone has forgotten how they work. Way back in my investing banking days, I worked for a firm that was a dot-com bubble IPO factory. (Alas,… [Read More]
What Happened at JP Morgan Chase, Anyway?
One of my friends suggested that I write a post explaining what happened at JP Morgan Chase, in plain English. The bottom line is that they bought a lousy insurance policy. The company has a big debt portfolio, which is no surprise given that it is a major corporate lender. If some horrible economic event… [Read More]
On Learning Chinese, or Any Language
Because I’m going to China this summer, I’m trying to learn Chinese. I expect to fail miserably, of course; there’s just no way I can master a language like that in years, let alone weeks. Still, I like the idea of trying, and I think it would be wonderful to be fluent in many languages…. [Read More]