Textbooks are crazy expensive, something I’ve written about before. I recently received an email from the folks at eCampus talking about how renting is a great money-saving option, and they sent me numbers comparing textbook costs under different class-list scenarios. It’s too big to show you a picture, but you can check out the spreadsheet:… [Read More]
Pussy Riot, Emerging Markets, and Social Investing
Punk’s not dead in Russia, although it will be going to prison for a while. Three members of the band Pussy Riot have been sentenced to two years in prison for a protest against both Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church. Whether or not you agree with them, their protest would be legitimate in… [Read More]
A Wrap-Up of My China Trip
I’m back in the states! Here are my general observations on this past summer: Noodles. I love noodles. I am looking for noodle recipes and probably making a trip soon to Chinatown for supplies. Chengdu is known for food, and even a vegetarian can eat well (assuming, of course, that she likes noodles and spice!)… [Read More]
Paying for College: What Do You Need to Learn?
I went to China to teach corporation finance and investment finance, two basic introductory classes taken by most business majors. Upon arrival in Chengdu, I discovered that there were no students enrolled in corporation finance, but they didn’t have anyone to teach accounting or business law. Could I?