
Paying for College: Some Links of Interest

Here’s a few stories around the Internet about college admissions and costs: The Washington Monthly Annual College Guide has rankings of colleges looking at which colleges give students the most for their money. It’s a really interesting perspective. US News and World Report has more on the mystery of textbook costs. I don’t get the… [Read More]

Travel, Experience, and Snobbery

I love to travel, and I am so fortunate that I have been able to go so many places, see so many great things, and meet so many interesting people. I think that travel gives us perspective on other people and places that can help us all get along better, and it helps us learn… [Read More]

An Accounting Practice Set

When I was teaching accounting this summer, I put together a Accounting Exercise to get students to practice journal entries. It is attached for anyone looking for extra practice. I have no solution sheet, but if you have questions, ask them here! (Unless, of course, you are a pathetic SEO spammer who wants to post… [Read More]

Latest Work

Hedge funds for Dummies Cover

Hedge Funds for Dummies, 2e
My first book has been completely revised! Updated to reflect changing markets, accessible strategies through ETFs, and new potential due diligence pitfalls.



Latest Work

Cover of Day Trading for Dummies

Day Trading for Dummies, 5e
With five revisions, countless interviews with successful traders, and lots of research, this is the definitive guide to getting started, managing risk, and staying in the game.