
Tag: holidays

The Truth of Cinco de Mayo

a gringa who usually lives in the Wrigley Field Night Game Parking Zone, so Cinco de Mayo is real to me. And yet, the reason for the season has been a mystery to me. It’s not a statutory public holiday in Mexico, unlike March 21 (Benito Juarez’s birthday) or Labor Day (May 1). Marketers are… [Read More]

Overspending and the holidays

One of the fascinating aspects of human societies is how people are driven to create holidays that involve mandatory transfers of wealth. We’re heading into the insanity of the many year-end holidays celebrated by different groups in the United States. One of the financial questions raised by this is, how big a problem is overspending… [Read More]

Gifts and the Singularity of Common Life Events

One of the ways that bloggers get ideas is to look for things that people search for. One day, in my site statistics, I found that someone had found this using the search terms “cheap married people poor gift giving -wedding”. The searcher ended up at this post on the economics of gifts. Those search… [Read More]

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Hedge funds for Dummies Cover

Hedge Funds for Dummies, 2e
My first book has been completely revised! Updated to reflect changing markets, accessible strategies through ETFs, and new potential due diligence pitfalls.



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Cover of Day Trading for Dummies

Day Trading for Dummies, 5e
With five revisions, countless interviews with successful traders, and lots of research, this is the definitive guide to getting started, managing risk, and staying in the game.